Left of Banner: Walton County Seal. Center of Banner: Walton County Florida, Supervisor of Elections. Right of Banner: Headshot of Ryan Messer. His name appears to the left of the headshot above his title - Supervisor of Elections
1 July 2024

Election Worker Surplus in Walton County

Often times, and especially leading up to a major election, we get asked how someone can help work the polls or volunteer during the election season. While this is certainly not the case in others areas, in Walton County we are blessed to have an abundance of individuals interested and willing to serve as election workers. I believe it is a testament to the patriotic and civic-minded individuals who call Walton County home. We want to take a moment to say a huge Thank You! This certainly makes things easier for our office.

Unfortunately, that means we have hundreds more applicants than spots to fill, and we continue to receive more applications everyday. Currently, we need around 150-200 workers for a county election, but we currently have a surplus of over 700 individuals on our standby list. By state law, election workers must be paid and a limited number of slots are budgeted to administer the election. We encourage everyone who is interested in serving to complete the election worker application form at VoteWalton.gov/Elections/Election-Workers, but please understand that you will be placed on a long term standby list and will only be contacted if an opening occurs in the future.

In the mean time, if you are looking for a way to get involved in serving our community, I encourage you to look at other ways to get involved, such as volunteering at a nonprofit organization, at a school, at the animal shelter, or somewhere like that. If you can’t find somewhere, please contact me and I’ll be happy to see what I can do to find somewhere you can assist. If you signed up to work the polls to help ensure our elections are legal, secure, fair, accurate, honest, and timely, that’s great! We want those things too, and we have a page on our website to discuss our election integrity efforts. Visit VoteWalton.gov/Integrity.

Again, thank you for your interest in serving our community. See you at the polls! 


Ryan Messer

Supervisor of Elections 

Walton County, Florida

